Admin Banner Ads

To reach the Banner Ads screen, click Banner Ads in the Marketing Tools drop-down on the main menu.

As an Admin you can create Banner Ads that a member can place on websites to drive visitors to his/her personal site. When you add a banner ad in the Admin back office, the HTML for the Ad becomes available in the Member back office. Basically, the member copies the Banner Ad HTML from his/her back office and then pastes the HTML into an HTML editor for a website and publishes the web page with the banner ad added to it. When users click on the Banner Ad on the website, they will go to the replicated personal site for the member.

To make the Banner Ads option available on the Member Main Menu, check the Turn Banner Ads On checkbox. To hide the Banner Ads option available on the Member Main Menu, uncheck the Turn Banner Ads On checkbox.

The Banner Ads screen displays the Banner Ads you have created in a table. The table displays the following for each Ad:

    Banner Ad Name - This is the name saved for the banner ad.

    Banner Ad Image - This is the image used for the banner ad.

    Website Name - This is the website the banner ad was created to send visitors to.

    To preview a Banner Ad, click the Preview link for the Ad in the table, and the Banner Ad will display in a pop-up window/tab.

    To update the Banner Ad Name and Description, click the Edit link for the Ad in the table, and you will go to the Manage Banner Ad screen where you can make your updates.

    To delete a Banner Ad from the table, click the Delete link for the Ad in the table.

To create a Banner Ad:

1.  Click the Add New Banner Ad link on the Banner Ads screen.

2.  On the Manage Banner Ad screen, enter the following:

    Banner Ad Name – Enter the name for the banner ad.

    Description - Enter a description of the banner ad.

    Upload New Banner Ad – Upload a Banner Ad GIF or JPEG file from your local computer.

    Website Name This Banner Goes Into – Select the Website that this banner ad should link (or redirect) to.

3.  Click the Save button to save the Banner Ad.

You can update the Banner Ad Name and Description for a previously saved banner ad.

1.  Click the Edit link in the Banner Ads table on the Banner Ads screen.

2.  On the Manage Banner Ad screen, you can edit the following:

    Banner Ad Name – Edit the name for the banner ad.

    Description - Edit the description of the banner ad.

3.  Click the Save button to save the edits.